Tag Archives: Impact

People Purposed Leaders Create Immediate and Imminent IMPACT

6 Mar

People Purposed Leaders make immediate and imminent impact on their followers, organizations, cities, countries and the world. IMPACT demands that People Purposed Leaders connect, direct and interact with a diversity of experience, skill, energy, thought and approach. People Purposed Leaders give meaning and manifestation to these key elements:

I- Inspire

We can inspire ourselves and others by tapping into inner strength and outer reinforcements for our missions, agendas and assignments. Last week, I heard as speaker say that “Our Spirit is Our Breath.” Each hour and each day, People Purposed Leaders exemplify breathing techniques of inhaling fresh strategies and exhaling stale concepts. People Purposed Leaders clear the air and free thinking with clear communication and open dialogue. Individual breathing provides energy for collective birthing of progress and success.

M- Mentor

People Purposed Leaders mentor and coach each other and their prodigies. Mentoring and coaching create immediate and imminent impact for staff, members, personnel, organizations and governments. Mentors provide a virtual board of directors for individuals who seek to listen, learn impact the delivery of good and services. Mentorship creates opportunity for advice, accountability, action and achievement….yes, IMPACT.

P- Prioritize

People Purposed Leaders prioritize corporate mission and action schedules, systems and strategies. They assess their teams, timelines and techniques to optimize production. Each day they ably address the question: “Which #1 First?”

A- Accomplish

People Purposed Leaders achieve goals, complete plans and acknowledge milestones. My mom used to say “Success begets success.” People Purposed Leaders understand the power of completion and finalization. However, they realize that completion without fulfillment of objectives and maximization of opportunities is a “pyrrhic” victory. People Purposed Leaders motivate and monitor strategic plans to employ the skills, talents, abilities and experiences of personnel, staff and volunteers to create accomplishments that impact individual and corporate goals.

C- Conquer

People Purposed Leaders conquer the threats of divisiveness and dysfunction. Written goals and guidelines are key weapons in a People Purposed Leader’s operational arsenal. People Purposed Leaders synergize and energize the talents and temperaments of their person, personnel, organizations, institutions, agencies and governments.

T- Team Build

People Purposed Leaders grow people, processes and production by building themselves, followers and allies. They inspire innovation, mentor excellence, achieve goals and conquer threats. People Purposed Leaders work to optimize self and corporate esteem. In directing and building active, creative and productive people, teams, leaders and organizations, People Purposed Leaders create immediate and imminent impact.